Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Children and Youth Education Classes

Our formation as Christians is a life-long process, as we learn from God and from one another in worship, in service, in the study of scripture, as we apply the teaching of our faith to our daily decision making, and in fellowship and friendship.

Our classes for young children focus on learning the stories of scripture and sharing God’s love. Our youth classes, for middle and high school students, focus on learning how to use the teachings of our faith in everyday matters of self and society, as our children grow into adulthood.

Sunday School Classes (Online Until Further Notice)

We offer Sunday school classes that meet during the 9am service for children 2yrs old through 5th grade. Childcare is available during services.

2yrs Old – Kindergarten Class (9:00am–10:15am)
These classes use Living the Good News, a lectionary based curriculum that uses the weekly Gospel lesson as the theme of each week. Their class time includes weekly worship.

Grade 1 Class (9:00am–10:15am)
The children in this grade spend the year preparing to receive Holy Communion. They use the Living the Good News curriculum and other Communion preparation materials in their class. They also participate in a Communion workshop on a Saturday morning close to their Communion Sunday, and along with their parents, explore many of the Communion themes they have learned about during the year. Their class time includes weekly worship in the chapel.

Grade 2 – 5 Class (9:00am–9:35am)
Students meet in the chapel for a brief service and then go with their teachers to class to explore the lesson with the Living the Good News curriculum. Children return to their families in church during the Peace and stay through the end of the service.

Good Shepherds Club (10:15am–11am)
The Good Shepherds Club provides a fun, informal activity time for grades 2-5. Programs rotate weekly and include singing, games, service projects and crafts. During Advent the children participate in a program “Journey to Bethlehem” for three weeks and during Lent, “Jerusalem Market Place” for five weeks.

Rite 13
Grades 6 & 7 join together for a 2-year class, the first step in the Journey To Adulthood (J2A) program. These young people will spend three years together building community and begin taking their first steps away from the roles they have played in their families and into some new roles in the church. This program includes a liturgical rite of passage around their 13th birthday, celebrating the gift of womanhood and manhood.

Journey to Adulthood (J2A)
In the Fall these grades 8 & 9 use theJ2A curriculum, the next step in a program of spiritual formation that begins with Rite 13. Fun and interactive lessons teens explore their relationship with God. In the Spring, this class completes a 12-week program to prepare for Confirmation in May.

Young Adults of the Church (YAC)
Ninth through Twelfth Grades transition from the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) into YAC’s beginning with a way for the youth to share what they have experienced through J2A. Our task as leaders is to help them gather all of their experiences. We must remind them, and their parents, that they will be heading out into a world which is crowded and hungry. We must by our patience with them, and our example to them, remind them to offer all that they are, and all that they possess—however meager and however frightening –to the one whose name is Love. Jesus. These youth will gather twice a month with a leader, the youth will take on increasing leadership responsibilities. The adults will be advisors and mentors.

Childcare & Nursery

Childcare for infants to two-year old’s is provided in the Education Building during the 9:00am Service.

Sunday Morning Extra
An extended morning program for two-years old through First Grade in the Sunday School from 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. so that their parents can attend the adult education programs, teach a Church School class, or enjoy coffee hour provided after the 9:00 service. This program will be held every Sunday that Sunday School is in session.

Funday School

During the Summer Worship Schedule, ages two through five meet for the first part of the service for a lesson and craft, then join the congregation during the peace.