Christian formation is a lifelong process, in which continually grow in our understanding and practice of our faith. We are formed in faith through worship and prayer, through the study of the Bible and contemporary issues, service to one another, and through fellowship with other Christians.
At Trinity, we offer short seasonal and topical studies for adults on Sunday mornings or weekday evenings, and an ongoing centering prayer group that provides education, fellowship, and support for our daily practice of prayer.
Spiritual Growth Online:
Basic Bible Study: Join a relaxed group on Zoom each Monday from 7-7:45 p.m. to read a couple of short Bible passages and reflect/discuss them. You do not need to know or prepare anything ahead of time. Contact: Kristina Van Name
Daily Devotions: We encourage everyone to subscribe by email, or get the e-books for daily devotions through Forward Movement online. Also check out the app for your phone or tablet. It has the daily reflection and links to daily readings, daily prayer and to keep a journal. To pick up a current Forward Day by Day devotional booklet in paper, contact the office, or visit the “little library” in the Trinity parking lot.
Explore the Prayer Book: The contest is over, but our Book of Common Prayer Treasure Hunt will turn up interesting insights into the life and worship of the church any time.
Friends with Jesus Groups
In a sermon last year, Mother Emily invited us to take time to grow in friendship with Jesus and with others.
Here’s how to do that:
* Form a group of three to five people – this can be friends, family, people you’d like to know better; they can be neighbors or shore friends or any other group – and set a first meeting date.
(We recommend setting a schedule of five dates over three months, but one date is all you need to get started! You can do this during a week together at the Shore, meet for coffee every week or two, or whatever suits you best. Decide what works for you, but please plan for five separate un-interrupted hours.)
* Sign up here, or let Mother Emily know you’ve formed a group, and receive a copy of “Discipleship for Episcopalians” (a resource with reflection questions and guides to help you have rich, fruitful conversation).
* Meet and do the first exercise together with your friendship group. At the end of that meeting decide if you want to do this again. If the answer is yes, don’t leave that meeting without setting or confirming your next date.
* Meet again. There are five conversations in the resource. At each meeting, check in with your group: Do you want to do this again?
* When you complete the resource, let Mother Emily know. If you would like to keep meeting with your group, you’ll get a new resource for more conversation.
Trinity’s Vestry has begun to use this resource already and recommends it as renewing and refreshing, very easy to use and worth the time. Please let Mother Emily know if you have any questions.
Sunday Morning Adult Study
Various relevant topics and programs will be introduced during the coffee hour that will engage us in our Christian faith and responsibility outside of the church and to build a strong parish community. This group meets during coffee hour after the 9:00am service. Recent topics have included Welcoming our Neighbors and Keeping a Holy Lent. Topics are announced in our Sunday bulletins and weekly emails.
Seasonal Studies
Lent and Advent – the seasons of preparation for Easter and Christmas – are special times for reflection and study on Sunday mornings or weekday evenings. Seasonal offerings have recently included Max Lucida’s “Because of Bethlehem” Advent program, and Lenten series on The Spirituality of Money, and The Way of the Cross, and Joining Jesus on His Mission. Follow our weekly announcements to learn more about our seasonal programs.