Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Through this ministry, we will seek to deepen our spiritual and physical relationship with all of creation and participate in the proper stewardship of the earth’s resources. As individuals and as a community, we will seek ways to:


  • incorporate care for the environment in our spiritual lives,
  • learn and adopt practical ways to reduce our climate impact, and
  • serve as a focal point for participating in environmental advocacy and the repair of creation.


Wednesday, April 19th 7:00PM on Zoom

Managing Food Waste Presentation

In case you missed it!

Managing Food Waste Presentation given by Gina Cohl, Chair for Tri-County Sustainability Food Waste Reduction Committee

More pictures from ECM’s Food Waste event






Past Projects:

Energy Conservation Event

Native Plant Celebration

Lent 2022 Green Eating Challenge 

Contact Information for Co Leaders:

John Bradley

Lori Rapuano