Worship Updates 2020
Prayer and Learning Resources
How You Can Help
Trinity Closed to Worship and Events: COVID 19 Update
Trinity will be closed for worship and all parish meetings and events until at least May 31, following the direction of our Bishop.
The most recent statement and directive from Bishop Stokes is available here.
Our office will be open limited hours, for telephone connections and for food pantry pick up and deliveries; our staff will work from home as far as possible, checking email and voicemail.
While it is a significant sacrifice for all of us to “fast” from worshipping physically together in this difficult and anxious time, especially through Holy Week and Easter, it is an action of love and support for the whole people of God; a way that we, the Body of Christ, can take on the challenge of praying and gathering and serving in new ways to serve all God’s beloved people, particularly those most vulnerable, and those putting their lives on the line to heal and save, as Jesus did.
Several groups to support the ministries of the church (including Youth and Adult Formation) and the life of Christians (a group for first responders, one for anxiety management ) and more are gathering online through the diocese. Get connected with one of those groups here.
Faith and Prayer Resources in the time of epidemic
Canceling physical worship gatherings does not mean that we will cease to pray together as a community. We’ve created a page of worship and learning resources for Trinity that we will continue to update. That page is also where you will find links to Mother Emily and Deacon Leslie’s sermons or reflections for each Sunday, and video services that we will record on each Sunday that we are closed for public worship.
In addition, the National Cathedral in Washington DC (also closed for public worship this month) will be webcasting weekday and Sunday services intended to be available to the whole Episcopal Church: you can find links to those through their calendar page.
We strongly encourage you to reach out to one or more partners in the congregation and to establish a pattern of praying together on the phone or by video chat. This can be as simple as sharing your concerns and hopes with one another and saying the Lord’s Prayer together, or you can use some of the resources for prayer available here to pray together.
How You Can Help (Or Get Help)
We have heard from so many of you who want to help others in this challenging time. You all know to check on your friends and neighbors, run errands for high-risk folks if you’re low risk, and of course, wash your hands! But there are also critical needs to help hungry or economically vulnerable neighbors whose support systems are disappearing, and to find new ways to connect and support one another in our congregation. Visit our “How You Can Help” page for ways to make an important difference in someone else’s life, and help keep our Trinity community strong and thriving.
Use New Jersey’s “Register Ready” service to connect older, disabled, or special needs friends and family members so that emergency response services can offer more targeted help. Those who register are eligible to get check-in calls from state or county services during this crisis.
As is evident, the situation our community, world, and church face now is unpredictable and constantly evolving. Please don’t hesitate to ask Mother Emily any questions you may have. We will keep you updated!