Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Trinity offers many opportunities for building relationships and having fun together. Some raise funds for outreach or other ministries; others are purely a chance to enjoy one another’s company.


Pastoral Care

One of the joys of the church is sharing with one another in the celebrations, sorrows, transitions and everyday events of life.  Trinity volunteers who send birthday greetings, reach out to offer support in illness or after a death, and keep in touch with some of our homebound members form our Pastoral Care team.  To learn more, contact Mother Emily or Mother Angie.

Book Club

Book club meets at 1:00pm on the 3rd Friday of each month throughout the year from October through May. Beverages and refreshments are served while discussing the selected book.


Men’s Club Breakfast

Meets on the first Saturday of each month at 7:45 am to enjoy breakfast and hear from guest speakers on many interesting topics.  Join in the fellowship with a Phillies game each year as well as the regular breakfasts.


Parish Life

Our Parish Life Committee helps plan receptions for special services, set up fellowship opportunities for different groups in the congregation, and supports coffee hour each Sunday. If you’d like to join the planning committee, contact Mother Emily. If you’d like to bring treats and host a coffee hour one Sunday, contact Geri Trost.

Contact Mother Emily
Contact Geri Trost


More Events

Visit our Events page to learn about our next opportunity to celebrate together.