March is Women’s History Month, a time to highlight the contributions and achievements of American women. Each week the members of the God’s Diversity Committee invite you to pray with us.
March 26, 2023
A Prayer for the Women Through the Ages
Dear God of abundant love, the One who renews and transforms, we turn this month in our nation’s life, to reflect on the stories, the heritage and the struggles of the women throughout the ages. We seek to learn from those voices that have been left unheard. May we pause before the silences of the ages, find who has been left out, and craft new ways of inclusion for every week, and every month. May this spiritual practice, bring out the voices of those struggling, all those left apart. May we let go of our assumptions and cold comforts, of what is the norm to live by, unless it be a standard that is rooted in compassion, in inclusivity, in diversity. May this month of reflection teach us to search for those stories that are different from our own. Mother of possibility, in the finding, may we come to know ourselves changed; renewed where we are dry; hopeful where we are lost; and open where we are shut. Amen.
Adapted from a prayer by the Rev. Jude Geiger, Minister of Community Engagement, The Community Church of New York Unitarian Universalist.
March 19, 2023
As we continue our celebration Women’s History Month, we offer a prayer for women leaders around the world.
Praise to you, women leaders of the seven continents, for your many works of justice. Praise to you, women leaders of Asia, for confronting trafficking of women. Praise to you, women leaders of Africa, for raising your voices to stop AIDS. Praise to you, women leaders of Europe, for your peacekeeping. Praise to you, women leaders of North America, for confronting economic inequities and racism. Praise to you, women leaders of South America, for struggling against foreign domination of your land. Praise to you women leaders in Antarctica, for your scientific research. Praise to you, women leaders of Australia, for supporting indigenous cultures. May God bless you all and give you strength to continue the good work you do. Amen
Adapted from “A Prayer for Women Leaders Around the World by Diann Neu, author and co-director of the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual.
March 12, 2023
Let us praise God for the creation of women. Most merciful, all-wise and loving God, we praise and glorify your holy name for the wisdom, strength, faith, and courage in the heart of every woman. Teach us, O Lord, to pattern our lives, our witness, and our service after the women of scripture whom you ordained to serve and labor in your kingdom: with Miriam, who with Moses and Aaron led the people of Israel out of Egypt; with Deborah, who judged the people of Israel in truth and righteousness; with Ruth, who was an example of faithfulness; with Mary Magdalen, who first brought the good news of the resurrection; with Phoebe, deacon and leader of the early Church; with Priscilla, who labored with Aquila in the service of Christ; with Mary, the mother of Jesus, who said “yes” with no holding back; with these, our sisters, we pray for women everywhere. Amen.
Today we celebrate the strength, power, passion, beauty, courage, and faith of women throughout our country and across this world. Made in His image and likeness, God, chose many women to lead, support, nourish, and deliver His glory to the earth.
Adapted from a Women’s Day Liturgy by Brandon A. Boyd, Minister of Music, Worship and Arts, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. and Marty Austin Lamar, Liturgist and Asst. Minister of Music, Turner Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church, Hyattsville, MD.
March 5, 2023
Let us pray: We remember that March is Women’s History Month and thank you, Dear Lord, for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories: our mothers, sisters, friends and neighbors. As you always bless women across the globe, may they continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer. Amen.
Prayer by Sojourners
Creator, God, we are made in your image, and yet our society would say some are less than others. During Women’s History Month, we pray for women around the world and the many roles they play. Be present with us in the on-going quest for human rights and justice for all. Amen
Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia A. Thompson, Assoc General Minister, Co-Director for Global Ministries, United Church of Christ.