Liturgical music has always drawn Julie and me to worship. We’ve lived all over the country. The one constant in all of our church moves has been music. Music in church just makes me feel closer to God. The sound of a beautiful choir, or the joyful noise made by the tiniest of children, is bound to be pleasing to God, and if to God then to me,
In early years, I sang in the choir. That always brought us closer to the church community. When my voice finally gave out with age, I still valued the music in church. To achieve a quality music program requires a great musical director, a devoted choir (augmented by paid, professional singers), a first class organ, a robust junior/youth choir program and leadership, and other musical instruments/musicians as needed. This is a valuable investment.
It is hard to imagine not hearing the voice of God in a Bach Chorale, a favorite hymn, or a special Christmas carol. The pandemic told me what church without the communal experience of singing with the congregation can be. Easter wasn’t really Easter without the singing of Jesus Christ is Risen Today.
Others may have other reasons for giving, but my chief reason is the music. It is necessary for my relationship with God. If I want quality music, or if I value the Christian experience I must support it with my giving.
I am grateful to God that we are in a position to give to the church, and that others are, too. My parents taught me that “heaven loves a cheerful giver.”
As you consider making a 2022 financial commitment to God’s work through Trinity, reflect on your own story.
- How does worship, or faith formation, or music, or fellowship at Trinity connect you to God’s love?
- How does worship, or faith formation, or music, or fellowship at Trinity inspire or equip you to serve others in God’s name?
- How do you find joy in giving?