Join us for online learning and activities this fall at Trinity. Although we will be meeting differently than we are used to, we will continue to provide ways of connecting for fellowship, meetings, and learning throughout the week.

Join us for Sunday School for youth and children. Our goal is to study, worship, and grow in Christ’s love together, while adhering to current Diocesan and State safety guidelines. We look forward to providing a multi-generational program! All ages are welcome.
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School will be offered online between 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Our Zoom meetings will include chapel, the current lesson or theme, activities, and music. Please contact our Sunday School Director, Christine Andonie for the meeting password and any questions.
Youth Classes
Our Rite 13 class (grades 7 & 8) will be meeting via zoom on the second, third and fourth Sundays. There will be “blessings and bummers” along with planned lessons and discussions.The group will meet at 11am. Teachers are: Jasmine and Rafael Declet and Scott Hart.
Our J2A class (grades 9 & 10) will also meet via zoom on the second, third and fourth Sundays. There will be planned lessons, discussions, and activities to participate in with classmates. The group will also meet at 11am. Teachers are: Jeff Wojcik, Libby Curran, John Murray and Kisha Mann.
“All In” Learning
All are invited to participate in our “All In” multi-generational learning opportunities on the first Sunday of every month from 9 – 10 a.m. We’ll have online activities for all ages to enjoy together around that Sunday’s theme and scripture.

Adult Bible Study meets via Zoom this fall at 8 a.m. as we read and discuss The Gospel According to Mark. This is the earliest, and shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament.
Anyone wishing to get a head start on the class check out, a nine minute, animated overview of Mark from The Bible Project. If you have two hours, go view David Suchet’s dramatic reading of the whole gospel. Brilliant!
If you haven’t yet tried Bible study, this class will be a great way to begin. You don’t have to commit to attending every week. There will be a calendar with readings listed, and there will also be regular emails with interesting (I hope) information related to the weekly reading. Join us via Zoom any week!
The class is very informal: we read God’s word; we pray; we talk; we don’t talk if we don’t want to; we laugh; we cry occasionally; we get to know each other; we grow spiritually.
If you have questions, or want more information, email Julie Bathke, or call her at 856-904-6948.

Discover, read, and discuss! Join Trinity’s online book group, The Page Brigade, to be a part of the conversation. Each month we will be reading one book for adults and one for youth.
You can join The Page Brigade simply by emailing Wes or by finding the group on Facebook using the link Our first meeting will be September 30th at 7pm. We will meet the last Wednesday of each month.

A 21-day Racial Equity Challenge to provide opportunities to read, listen and learn about racial injustice.
Join the Journey of Racial Reconciliation and Healing, along with Trinity’s God’s Diversity Committee and other members of Trinity. View our Racial Reconciliation Initiative page to join or for more information.