Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Children’s Education Classes

church school imageOur formation as Christians is a life-long process, as we learn from God and from one another in worship, in service, in the study of scripture, as we apply the teaching of our faith to our daily decision making, and in fellowship and friendship. Our classes for young children focus on learning the stories of scripture and sharing God’s love.

Please contact Michelle Seaman, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries, with any questions about our programs.

FALL 2024

Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 8th, and features a “Blessing of the Backpacks” at the end of our 10 a.m. worship service. Children of all ages are invited to bring their backpacks or school bags with them to church for a blessing to start the school year.

Please complete our online registration form

Sunday Schedule

9:00-10:00 a.m.

Sunday school for grades 4 and up. These children attend the 10:00 service.

9:45-11:15 a.m.

Nursery care is offered for children aged 0-3 years.

Pre-K (age 4) will meet in their Pre-School classroom and attend Chapel.

K-1st “Welcome to Communion Class” will meet in their classroom, and attend either church or chapel services. Two Sundays a month, K-1 children will join the worship service with their teacher for communion and sit along the altar rail to watch the blessing of the bread and wine. During Communion, the class will receive blessings with their classmates and then return to their classroom with their teacher.

2nd-3rd Grades will begin in their classroom, and join the church service at the “passing of the Peace”. They will assist in the the offertory procession and sit at the altar rail during the blessing of the bread and wine, then receive communion with their families and remain in church through the end of the service.

General Information

Safety is a high priority at Trinity.
All of our volunteer teachers, and our staff, undergo a background check and receive training in Safe Church practices to help protect children from abuse. We also strive for healthy classrooms; if your child is sick, please keep them home.

Volunteering with Trinity’s youngest members is highly rewarding. Please contact Michelle Seaman for more information.

Family Study at Home: