Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

COVID Protocols at Trinity

(As of 10/2/22) Under new protocols adopted by the Vestry, masking is currently optional at Trinity worship services and fellowship activities. You are welcome to wear a mask at any time, and encouraged to do so when community risk levels are high.

A mask-required section of pews will be set aside for those needing or wanting the protection of masks in worship. Masks covering your nose and mouth and fitting close to your face are required for all those seated in that section. These pews are marked at each end.  

If you are experiencing symptoms of illness, please join us online and do not attend in-person worship.

In establishing and following our Covid protocols at Trinity, we keep in mind Jesus’ instructions: “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34, 15:12) and “Truly I tell you, just as you have done to the least of these my family, you have done to me.” (Matthew 25:40). We remember that we live and worship in a community that extends beyond the doors and the membership of our congregation, and that the actions we take in our congregational life affect those beyond our congregation, many of whom are more vulnerable to illness, and to the economic and personal consequences of illness, than our average member. In addition, the church must be a place where those who are vulnerable can find safety.
Those two things are commitments of our faith, as followers of Jesus who wish to act in the world as Jesus would.

For these reasons, we often practice more protective measures than the community around us, ensuring that in our worship especially, those who are more vulnerable to illness can be equally welcome, and that our actions as a congregation limit our contribution to community spread of the Covid virus that disproportionately impacts those who are often considered “the least” important, and in whom we see the face of Jesus.

We anticipate that as vaccinations become available to all, and when effective treatments are accessible and affordable, we will worship, celebrate, and gather with fewer precautions, and very much look forward to that day. In the meantime, we adjust our precautions based on the level of community cases and transmission rates, and care for one another as Jesus taught us.


August 21, 2022

Burlington County is currently at the CDC’s MEDIUM Community Risk Level.

Groups in the congregation that meet by invitation only or have an established group of regulars may set their own mask and distancing policies, after surveying the caution level of their regular attendees, as long as all who may attend the meeting are eligible for vaccination. Accommodating higher risk and more cautious members of the group is strongly recommended, as is offering a virtual or more-protected participation option. Mask and distancing policies for the meeting must be published in the meeting notice. 

At this time, we will continue to require masks in our worship services to help ensure that members of our community at greater risk, or too young be fully vaccinated, have equal access to the worship of our congregation.  

We continue to monitor case and risk levels, and will adjust our protocols accordingly, as conditions change.

July 1, 2022

Burlington County is currently at the CDC’s HIGH Community Risk Level.

The metrics took a turn higher almost as soon as we’d shifted to the Medium level last week, and we are back to our High level protocols: masks are required at all indoor meetings and gatherings of the congregation. Fellowship events with food and drink will be held outdoors, or postponed until Covid conditions return to a lower Community Risk Level.

We continue to monitor case and risk levels, and will adjust our protocols accordingly, as conditions change.

June 22, 2022

Burlington County is currently at the CDC’s MEDIUM Community Risk Level.

Groups in the congregation that meet by invitation only or have an established group of regulars may set their own mask and distancing policies, after surveying the caution level of their regular attendees, as long as all who may attend the meeting are eligible for vaccination. Accommodating higher risk and more cautious members of the group is strongly recommended, as is offering a virtual or more-protected participation option. Mask and distancing policies for the meeting must be published in the meeting notice. 

At this time, we will continue to require masks in our worship services to help ensure that members of our community at greater risk, or too young be fully vaccinated, have equal access to the worship of our congregation.  

We continue to monitor case and risk levels, and will adjust our protocols accordingly, as conditions change.

May 19, 2022

Burlington County is currently at the CDC’s HIGH Community Risk Level. Following diocesan guidance, masks are required at all indoor meetings and gatherings of the congregation. Fellowship events with food and drink will be held outdoors, or postponed until Covid conditions return to a lower Community Risk Level.

We continue to monitor case and risk levels, and will adjust our protocols accordingly, as conditions change.

March 2022:

According to guidelines adopted by the Vestry, in accordance with diocesan and public health guidance, current low Covid case and transmission rates have brought us to new opportunities.

We are returning to indoor fellowship activities, and masks are not required currently at coffee hour.

Groups in the congregation that meet by invitation only or have an established group of regulars may set their own mask and distancing policies, after surveying the caution level of their regular attendees, as long as all who may attend the meeting are eligible for vaccination. Accommodating higher risk and more cautious members of the group is strongly recommended, as is offering a virtual or more-protected participation option. Mask and distancing policies for the meeting must be published in the meeting notice. 

At this time, we will continue to require masks in our worship services to help ensure that members of our community at greater risk, or too young to receive vaccines, have equal access to the worship of our congregation.  

We continue to monitor case and risk levels, and will adjust our protocols accordingly, as conditions change.