Q: What does it mean to make a pledge?
A: Faithful stewardship is a commitment to manage one’s time, talents, or money as an expression of faith and a personal response to God’s generosity. An annual pledge represents a monetary commitment to help Trinity to fund ministry and church operations, based in the faith that guides your stewardship of all your resources. A pledge is a statement of intent, not a legal obligation. It can be changed at any time.
Q: Why should I pledge? I have given faithfully in the past.
A: While every gift is greatly appreciated, pledging is a very important part of Trinity’s budget planning. Knowing in advance the total income we can expect from pledging allows our Vestry and staff to plan for the ministry that will be financially possible in the coming year. Over two-thirds of our income comes from pledges, so it is essential that we have an accurate estimate of this income when we budget.
Q: How do people decide on how much to pledge?
A: Pledging is a personal or family decision and many factors can go into deciding how much to pledge. At Trinity, we encourage parishioners to consider their pledge as a percentage of their income, rather than as a fixed amount for all. Those who have higher incomes are able to and expected to pledge higher amounts. An advantage of committing a percentage of income is that this approach has the flexibility to naturally adapt as our incomes change over time. We have also encouraged Trinity members to consider taking a step up in their percentage with tithing (10%) as an ultimate goal.
Q: How does Trinity use the funds derived from Annual Pledges?
A: Annual pledges provide the funds necessary to keep Trinity operational from day-to-day, all year round. They pay for the clergy and staff who lead our worship services and music, who provide inspiration and leadership for teaching of children, youth, and adults, manage the communications and building. Pledged funds also pay for maintaining the building in comfort with heat, A/C, and light, and for the materials and technology needed to support all of our ministries. All pledges are greatly appreciated and funds are carefully spent with oversight from the Vestry.
Q: I’m donating to the Capital Campaign to help with the building projects. How is Stewardship different from the Capital Campaign?
A: The Capital Campaign was focused on raising money specifically to pay for certain one-time building improvements and major repairs. Stewardship, on the other hand, provides the ongoing operating funds needed for Trinity’s daily ministry in the lives of our members, visitors, and newcomers all year long. Many of these expenses accrue every month, year-round.
Q: This is an important decision for me. I am concerned about my employment status / financial security. What if it changes?
A: Unexpected events happen. We know such situations can cause financial hardship, and we hope that you would share that you are experiencing such a hardship so that we can be supportive of you during such a time. Your peace and recovery is a priority for the church. If you are unable to continue your financial commitment, please reach out to the church office. You can adjust or eliminate your pledge based on your new circumstances.
Q: I am unable to make significant gifts. Do small gifts matter?
A: Absolutely, small gifts matter and they do add up. For example, if ten more people pledged just $10 per week, it would cover the supplies, curriculum, and other practical resources for our children’s, youth, and adult classes. Yes, every gift makes a difference, and every gift is appreciated.
Q: Do I receive a statement?
A: Yes, you will receive periodic statements of your contributions during the course of the year, both for your tax records and to confirm the accuracy of our records.
Q: How do I pay my pledge?
There are many ways to pay a pledge. The most common are a check by mail, electronic transfer online, or by using cash or check placed in the offering plate in person. Additional details are provided on our website: https://trinitymoorestown.org/donate/. Please contact the church office for further information, as needed, for less common payment methods such as appreciated securities, donor-advised funds, or for your specific situation.