Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Keith Spencer Concert

Philadelphia-based baritone Keith Spencer will present a concert titled “The Paul Robeson Songbook — A Negro Spiritual and Gospel Celebration of the Music of Paul Robeson” in the church on Sunday, February 24, at 4:00 pm. Mr. Spencer will be joined by a violinist and pianist in a performance of some favorite songs and hymns. A festive reception will follow the concert in the Parish Hall.


As he writes about his concert:

While nostalgically revered for his booming rendition of “Ol’ Man River” from Kern and Hammerstein’s Show Boat, Paul Robeson was also the consummate blend of scholar, athlete, actor, attorney, social activist, and international concert performer; a true Man for All Times. The Robeson Songbook is a concert presentation celebrating the life and legacy of Paul Robeson conveyed amidst the song palette of gospel and Negro spirituals he loved so well and which brought him international acclaim. Features songs such as “Go Down, Moses”, “Down By the Riverside”, “Were You There?”, “There is a Balm in Gilead”, “Deep River”, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho”, “Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child”, “Ol’ Man River,” and more.

Check out Keith’s recent live performance and interview on WRTI. He mentions the upcoming concert at Trinity at 12:54.

For more information about this fine musician, visit his website at