We are survivors! What a crazy couple years it has been. But, we survived, we’re still standing, and still strong. It has been a difficult time for us in many different ways: healthwise for some, loss of loved ones, financial struggles, isolation, anguish, and worry. But, I think we’re coming back stronger, more resilient, and with a better perspective of what’s important.
And, I’ve come to realize how fortunate I have been. I am feeling blessed and appreciative of Trinity and that is why I give every year to support Trinity. Trinity Church and the Trinity community have supported me, made me feel like a member of the community, and helped me grow and survive – even thrive- in recent years, and I like to support Trinity in return.
I joined Trinity shortly after Annika came into my life when I realized that I needed a village to raise a child. I am so grateful and appreciative of the village here at Trinity. I have had so much support from Trinity friends through the years- teaching Sunday school together, building a foundation for our kids, preparing for college. We went through Sunday School, Rite 13, and J2A and now Annika and her classmates are seniors in high school and getting ready to head off to college next year! How amazing it has been to watch them grow and become caring and responsible young adults. What a blessing the Trinity village has been for us!
We have many blessings at Trinity. The successful Capital Campaign is another blessing. It is a joy to watch the changes with the handicap ramp being built, the A/C going in, the leaks in the preschool building being fixed, and many other needed renovations finally being done. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Capital Campaign with their hard work, time, and generosity! What a blessing all of you are!
And the community here at Trinity is amazing. We have so many loyal parishioners who selflessly give of their time and talents to serve God and help our neighbors. The Outreach Commission has stayed active making sandwiches and breakfasts, God’s Diversity Committee has educated all of us and opened our eyes, dedicated teachers have volunteered to educate our children, talented musicians have lifted our spirits, and we are reaching out to welcome all to join us at Trinity. What a blessing the community here at Trinity is!
I feel so blessed to be a part of this community. And, that is why I give to Trinity every year.