Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Lenten Organ Recital Series


February 21 ~ Evelyn Larter, Deerfield Presbyterian Church, Deerfield, NJ
February 28 ~ Isza Wu, Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia
March 6 ~ Connor Fluharty, Trinity Episcopal Church, Princeton
March 13 ~ Lawrence DePasquale, Episcopal Church of St. John, Chews Landing, NJ
March 20 ~ Eric Plutz, University Organist, Princeton University

Our Lenten Recitals take place at 12:00 noon on Wednesdays in Lent. Each recital lasts 30 minutes and is followed by a delicious soup luncheon in the Parish Hall.

There is nothing like hearing the pipe organ live in concert, with its beautiful quietest sounds and its thrilling loudest sounds. We hope to see you there!