Growing in Love of God and Neighbor

Classroom Space for Rent

Classroom Space for Rent at Trinity Church

Classroom space is available at Trinity Episcopal Church for music lessons, art lessons, tutoring, or similar uses. Piano or keyboard available; free limited parking available. $320/month for up to 10 hours a week. Call 856-235-0811 (9:30-3:30, M-F) for details and availability.

Classroom Rental Details:

  • All classrooms are located in the LOWER LEVEL of the school building.
  • Classrooms are approximately 13’x20’, with windows and lockable doors.
  • Renters will have access to the rooms between 3:00 pm and 9:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and 9:00 am-12:00 pm Saturdays. Other hours may be negotiable. Renters can store materials and equipment in the rooms, with the understanding that space for tables and chairs is needed for church use on Sunday mornings.
  • The rooms will be quiet but not silent. We will not rent 2 rooms next to each other in order to minimize sound transfer, particularly for music lessons.
  • There is an entrance to the school building from the parking lot.
  • Bathrooms are in the vicinity.
  • Renters using the space for work with people under age 18 will be required to provide a plan for child-protective adult supervision.