Almighty God, we give you thanks for the gifts you have bestowed upon us in the people and the beauty of Trinity Church. Guide us now to share your vision for the future of Trinity. Help us to see the opportunities and needs you put before us; and inspire us by your Holy Spirit to strengthen and renew our buildings and our community to be a place of welcome and generosity, growth and joy, faith and service, for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.
It has been nearly 100 years since Trinity’s current church, chapel, parish house and rectory building were constructed, and gifted to the parish by Eldridge Reeves Johnson, founder of the Victor Talking Machine Company. It has been more than 60 years since the adjoining classroom building was added.
While over the decades renovations and improvements were made to the parish buildings and grounds, it is time to reinvest in our church property to ensure the safety and comfort of all who use our space. To that end, Trinity is considering a capital campaign to raise the funds to repair, replace, renew, and add what is needed. We will begin with a “discernment” phase, when we assess where we are now and where we should head to respond to God’s call for our parish.
Trinity’s leadership, with guidance from outside inspectors and building experts, has identified a number of areas where the facilities are damaged, unsound, worn out or not in compliance with safety codes. We’ve heard from parishioners a desire for improved accessibility and comfort for those who attend Trinity for worship, education, spiritual formation, fellowship and service. The discernment phase allows us to envision new ministry opportunities for Trinity and how those will impact our buildings.
All costs are based on preliminary estimates and bids, and should not be considered final.
“Must Do” Projects ($600,000):
- Install additional fire alarms, fire suppression systems, and fire-safe doors
- Repair damaged walks, building walls, outside steps, bell tower, and graveyard wall
- Replace leaking windows and old air conditioners in preschool wing
- Rebuild air conditioning system for Sanctuary
Renew and Strengthen our Buildings ($300,000):
This group of projects focuses on the comfort and functionality of the buildings.
- Air-condition the Parish Hall and kitchens
- New sound and light systems for Sanctuary
- Heating system improvements
- Update restrooms in classroom building, paint, refinish floors, repair kneeler cushions, and make other repairs to Sanctuary, Parish Hall and classrooms.
Accessibility and Welcome
($129,000 – $466,000):
The low-end estimate excludes the option of an elevator from the parking lot to both floors, but funds the other improvements.
- Create barrier-free entrance to Sanctuary and incorporate space for wheelchairs in pews
- Create barrier-free entrance to main floor of Parish Hall, with a wheelchair lift in current Reception Room
- Create accessible restrooms on main floor of Parish Hall
Serve the Community ($150,000 or more):
- Tithe10% of net proceeds to make high impact grants to our outreach partners starting new projects or needing capital investments to change lives, heal, feed, teach, and promote justice.
- Preserve the Trinity endowment, which has recently been depleted by major maintenance needs, so that it supports ministry and opportunity for decades to come.
Trinity has formed a Capital Campaign Committee which is working with the Rector, the Vestry, and an experienced advisor from the Episcopal Church Foundation to engage and lead parishioners in a three-phase process that will point our way forward.
Everyone at Trinity is invited to participate in one of a series of Discernment Meetings, where your thoughts, ideas, visions and priorities for the future of Trinity will be discussed and considered as we discern what we are being called to do.
Next, we will conduct a feasibility study to determine our priorities, and establish a realistic campaign goal, based on the discernment process, surveys and interviews.
Based on the outcome of the feasibility study, we will conduct a fundraising effort to support the campaign’s goal.
Connect with our Capital Campaign Co-Chairs: