Holy Week Services
Holy Week offers many unique opportunities for worship, and for entering into the story of Jesus. Please give yourself the gift of attending one or more of the services this week that you have never been to before – or adding a special opportunity for worship or quiet prayer at Trinity to your schedule, to nourish your spirit, help you grow closer to God by participating in the story of Jesus, and connect to the community of Trinity.
Palm Sunday March 24:
8 a.m. Blessing of the Palms and Holy Eucharist
10 a.m. Blessing of the Palms and Holy Eucharist (Available Livestream)
Monday March 25:
7 p.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel- enter through wooden doors from garden)
Tuesday March 26:
7 p.m. Evening Prayer via Zoom
Wednesday March 27:
7 p.m. Holy Eucharist (Chapel- enter through wooden doors from garden)
Maundy Thursday March 28:
7 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Foot washing, and Stripping of the Altar (Available Livestream)
Following the service there will be a vigil in the chapel until 10:30 p.m.
Good Friday March 29:
9 a.m. Liturgy of Good Friday (Chapel- enter through wooden doors from garden)
7 p.m. Liturgy of Good Friday (Available Livestream)
If you would like to make a gift in celebration or in memory of someone, toward the special flowers and music of Easter, please fill out our online form or use the envelope found in the church pew. The last day to submit an offering is Wednesday, March 20.
Easter Services
Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday March 30:
8 p.m. Holy Eucharist,
with lighting of the New Fire, the Great Salvation Story, and the First Eucharist of Easter (Available Livestream)
Easter Sunday March 31:
8 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10 a.m. Festival Holy Eucharist, with Brass Quartet (Available Livestream)
11 a.m. (or immediately following the service): Easter Egg Hunt in the Graveyard.
Please note: The church sanctuary has an accessible ramp to the main entrance and wheelchair seating areas. There is one disability-designated spot in the church parking lot. Unfortunately, we do not yet have an accessible entrance to the parish hall and restrooms, but we’re working on this and apologize for the inconvenience.
A mask-required section of pews is set aside for those needing or wanting the protection of masks in worship. Masks covering your nose and mouth and fitting close to your face are required for all those seated in that section.
On Easter Day there are no Church School or Adult Education classes. Easter communion for the sick and homebound may be arranged by calling the church office at 856-235-0811.